Saturday, July 4, 2009

talk about something cool

talk about cosplay

have you ever heard of cosplay. well cosplay short for "costume role play", is a type of performance art whose participants outfit themselves, with often-elaborate costumes and accessories, as a specific character or idea. Characters are usually sourced in various Japanese and East Asian media, including manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games,and fantasy. Other sources include performers from J-pop, J-rock, visual kei, fantasy music stories (such as stories by the band Sound Horizon), novels, and objects from cyberspace or the real world that are unique and dramatic (especially if they have or can be given an anthropomorphic form).
Cosplay participants ("cosplayers") form a subculture centered around wearing their costumes and reenacting scenes or inventing likely behavior inspired by their chosen sources. In some circles, the term cosplay has been broadened to include simply wearing a costume, without special consideration given to enacting characters in a performance context .

I am completely fascinated with cosplay and anime conversions. I would really like to go to one some day, but i don't know if i want to dress up or not and if i dress up what would i dress up as.

Talk Streetart

Talk Streetart

as you know i love art one of my fave form of art is street art. One of my fave street artest is a lady named koralie. Here is some stuff about her. Born in 1977 in Montpellier, France, Koralie graduated in architecture and started to work in agencies, then experienced the universe of TV as a set designer in advertising. A canvas painter turned street artist, she has been showing her work since the age of 19. Her signature character, a flamboyant geisha, has been seen in the streets of major European, American, and Japanese cities, as well as in magazines, books, clothing lines and renowned galleries such as the Joshua Liner Gallery (Manhattan). Today she lives and works in New York with her husband SupaKitch – another street artist – and her two children.
her stuff is great the first time i saw her work i fell in love. I even did a project in my art class on her. here is some work