Tuesday, March 24, 2009

movie talk

chat about movies

ok this is what i am go to talk about today. you know that new dragon ball movie that is coming out. i don't get it, i just don't understand it. now don,t think i am just saying this because i don't like dragon ball. i love dragon ball it's one of my fave amines,but if some thing not broken don't fix it. dragon ball is one of those things that you can not use real people for. it's just not right. i just don't think that the movie will be that good, but i am not going judge the movie before i see it .i am going to try to stay open to it and don't let what i say stop you from seeing it. i just don't want to see the same thing that happened to street fighters.

now on to the movie that i am glad to see come out the new fast and furious movie. i love all the fast and furious movies,and they get better every time they make a new one. i love cars and hot guys so whenever a movie gives me both of those things i have to go see it. that is a movie that i will definitely pay 6 to 8 dollars to see. so that is all i wanted to say for now see later talk 2 you next time.

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