Thursday, October 7, 2010

talk about anything

Well today I'm feeling a little board so I'm just going to talk about whatever pops into my head. Well i just came from lunch and my friend was talking about this guy she like and how if he ever came back to the school she would tell him how she used to feel. then that got me thinking do i have anything i regret not saying to someone, and the answer is yes there are many things that i wish i cloud have said to people but i let my fear get in the way. you know maybe it wasn't a guy you liked but maybe you wanted to encourage a new kid at school or stand up to that bully or tell off that college professor that gave you a bad grade for no reason but you didn't because of fear. so what i have decided is to stop letting my fear control how i live my life. now this does not mean I'm going to be rued and say what ever i want to say, this just mean if i fined my self in a situation where i need to speak up I'm going to speak up. so that's all i have to say for today so if you have any comments feel free to leaves them.

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